The holiday season is upon us, which means a lot of money trading hands. From gifts to decorations, to travel expenses, it’s the busiest shopping season of the year. Be sure to make smart financial decisions to protect yourself this November and December to ensure a happy holiday.

The holiday season is upon us, which means a lot of money trading hands. From gifts to decorations, to travel expenses, it’s the busiest shopping season of the year.

Be sure to make smart financial decisions to protect yourself this November and December to ensure a happy holiday.


Use a Credit Card Online

Last year, more than $188-billion dollars were spent on holiday shopping. That is a lot of opportunities for the Grinch to get your financial information.

That’s why it’s important to use a credit card when shopping online.

Debit cards are linked directly to your checking account. That’s why when money is stolen, it’s taken straight from a bank account, making it harder to get back. Most major credit cards have theft-protection guarantees making it easier for you to recover from a theft.

Only Use One Credit Card

The easiest way to ensure you can quickly spot something wrong with your finances, is to keep them in one place. Using only one credit card for your holiday purchases will make it easier to monitor your card activity and quickly identify and correct any suspicious behavior.

Skip the Store Card Signups

We’ve all been at checkout and been offered a discount on your purchase by signing up for a store credit card. Resist the temptation.

While there is an initial savings, these cards usually come with higher interest rates than bank credit cards. So, if you can’t pay it off quickly, you may end up spending more than you saved on interest and fees.

It’s a better bet to get a bank credit card with rewards and cash back offers and a lower interest rate.

Stick To a Budget

Don’t suffer a holiday hangover. Set yourself a budget and be careful to stick to it this year. Shop around online to find the best deals on the items on your shopping list, and do your best to stick to it.

Don’t forget to budget for travel expenses and food, alcohol, and entertainment costs if you plan to host friends and family this year.

Pay Off the Debt Quickly

Sometimes debt happens, and if you rack up a balance this holiday season, make a plan to pay it down sooner rather than later. Interest charges on a credit card may seem immaterial when you’re only carrying a balance for a few months, but credit card debt carries a high average interest rate and it’s easy to let it linger while making minimum payments. Work to eliminate the debt so you aren’t carrying 2021 spending too far into 2022.

Be Aware in Stores

Thieves aren’t just running around grabbing purses. They’re smart and paying attention when you aren’t. There are a few things to be cognizant of while shopping among the busy crowds this year.

  • Make sure you put your card back in your wallet after every purchase. Don’t put it in a pocket where it could fall out or be stolen.

  • Don’t let others see your card while you are waiting in line or checking out.

  • Cover keypads with your hand when shopping.


Tell your Bank

If you’re planning to travel overseas, be sure to let your bank know so that they can keep an eye out for any unusual transactions. Plus, if they don’t know, you could have trouble using your card because it will look like suspicious activity, especially if you don’t regularly travel outside the country.

Download your Bank’s App

Speaking of keeping track of your transactions. Downloading your bank’s app is a great way of keeping up with your account and quickly spotting and suspicious activity. Many times you can also do things like transfer funds between accounts and turn your debit card off if you lose it or believe there is a problem.

Check your Auto Insurance

Traveling over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house? If you have an accident, your trunk full of gifts most likely aren’t covered in your auto insurance policy.

If you plan to travel with some expensive gifts or items, ask your insurance agent about any added protection you can add before hitting the road.

Don’t forget to check out our Breezy Bundle. For just $6 a month, you can add some incredible benefits like roadside assistance, a cell phone protection plan, free personalized checks, and more! Learn more about it at</span>.